Governance and Controls

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Lima Consulting Group

If this is your first digital transformation, you may not know what you don’t know 

LCG will expose the unknown unknowns and fill in the gaps.

Data governance & controls are a critical component of digital transformation, and a key factor in ensuring alignment between a company's strategy, business models, and operating models.  

Since 2004, LCG has built a business advising visionaries on how to create winning customer experiences. Launching these experiences means the visionaries have won the internal alignment to properly fund the promise of digital innovations. We have advised hundreds of organizations in how to set up their governance and controls. For those who are willing to prepare, proper goverance ensures that they will win the war before the first battle begins. Their visions are funded. Their programs are wanted. Their initiatives win. 

Lima Consulting Group
Lima Consulting Group

There’s a lot at stake in a digital transformation. LCG will fill in the gaps because, if this is your first digital transformation, you may not know what you don’t know. LCG will provide you with the guidance you need to create a digital transformation steering committee, determine the right skillsets to be involved even if some of them aren’t employed in your organization. We’ll help you set up a standing agenda, a set of dashboards, and even facilitate discussions at critical junctures along the way.

Lima Consulting Group

Your digital transformation should begin with strategy, be fueled by trustworthy data, and the desired business outcomes should be aligned with your digital balanced scorecard. If you’ve put the work into your governance and controls, you dramatically increase the likelihood of executing a flawless transformation.

Lima Consulting Group

Data often has more value than any other corporate asset, with the exception of its knowledge workers. It’s always more valuable than cash, but cash doesn’t get left lying around the office. In the same way that we have governance and controls over financial management, so too should we for data. Data should be treated as the valuable asset that it is. 

Lima Consulting Group

“The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand.”

-Sun Tzu

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